More than 4,500 anti-war protesters arrested in one day in Russia, group says
(Più di 4.500 manifestanti contro la guerra arrestati in un giorno in Russia, dice il gruppo)

Authorities on Sunday arrested at least 4,468 people across 56 cities in Russia, according to the independent human rights organization OVD-Info. The Washington Post 06 Mar, 2022
Amid the death and rubble, Ukrainian teams hunt for evidence of possible war crimes
(Tra morti e macerie, le squadre ucraine vanno a caccia di prove di possibili crimini di guerra)

Ukraine’s government has opened a new front in the conflict, dispatching visual teams to bombed sites to gather evidence of possible war crimes. The Washington Post 06 Mar, 2022
Joe Manchin has no time for consequences
(Joe Manchin non ha tempo per le conseguenze)

The West Virginia senator always leaves the burden for someone else to carry. The Washington Post 06 Mar, 2022
From sunflower oil to titanium, how the world will feel the costs of the Ukraine conflict
(Dall’olio di girasole al titanio, come il mondo sentirà i costi del conflitto in Ucraina)

The conflict in Ukraine will have expected and unexpected consequences – from oil production to the cost of sunflower oil used in food. Then there’s titanium and neon… The Washington Post 06 Mar, 2022
The bride wore fatigues. The wedding party carried rifles and RPGs.
(La sposa indossava le fatiche. La festa di nozze portava fucili e giochi di ruolo.)

The couple showed that even in war life and love must go on. The Washington Post 06 Mar, 2022
(Sviluppi sulla guerra in Ucraina, analisi della più importante storia globale del giorno, letture principali,…)

Sign up for the Today’s WorldView newsletter from The Washington Post The Washington Post 06 Mar, 2022
Russian forces attack airfields in Ukraine as Zelensky pleads for fighter jets
Le forze russe attaccano gli aeroporti in Ucraina mentre Zelensky implora aerei da combattimento

Alleged cease-fire violations by Russia block evacuation of Ukrainian civilians. The Washington Post 06 Mar, 2022
(Aggiornamenti in diretta Russia-Ucraina: Zelensky invoca i jet da combattimento mentre Putin intensifica le minacce allo stato ucraino)

Russian forces pummeled civilian infrastructure Saturday in an attempt to suppress Ukrainian resistance, as a rocket blast ripped through homes south of Kyiv. The Washington Post 06 Mar, 2022
U.S. and allies quietly prepare for a Ukrainian government-in-exile and a long insurgency
(Gli Stati Uniti e gli alleati si preparano tranquillamente per un governo ucraino in esilio e una lunga insurrezione)

The U.S. and its allies are planning for a Ukrainian government-in-exile and fueling a long insurgency against a Russian occupation and whatever puppet regime Moscow installs if the… The Washington Post 05 Mar, 2022
How large are Ukraine’s cities? Some U.S. comparisons.
(Quanto sono grandi le città ucraine? Alcuni confronti con gli Stati Uniti.)

Ukraine has a population similar to that of California plus Oregon spread throughout its strategic and historically rich territory. A look at some of the places that are… The Washington Post 04 Mar, 2022